DCP Import & Parameter Calculations

Image of Automated Scala (DCP)

Eliot Sinclair Partners Ltd required a system to import data produced by Canterbury Geotest from their hydraulic scala / mini CPT rig.

Geroc developed a simple conversion tool to extract data from multiple .dat files into a single Excel spreadsheet that could be imported with a simple mapping.  Seperately calculations were developed to generate parameters used for design.

They are now able to import data, calculate design values and generate reports from a days testing in just a few minutes.

NDM Calculations

Image of NDM Calculations

Geocivil Ltd needed to automate the correction of NDM data used to determine compaction acceptance for roads and foundations.

Geroc developed a system for Geocivil Ltd that replicate the calculations made in their existing spreadsheet based system, with a library of target material properties from material providers.

With the new system Geocivil Ltd are able simply enter data and select target materials to complete a set of tests. 

Preliminary reports and instructions to contractors can be generated on site.

Data Synchronization

Data Synchronization

Geocivil Ltd needed, for efficiency reasons, to enter a number of tests directly into field devices, with later synchronization of this data into a central database once devices had internet connectivity.

Geroc developed the SYNC Add-in (based on the Microsoft Sync Framework) to provide bi-directional synchronization of data (including lookup values and templates) between a central HUB database and 5 x SPOKE databases running on Windows tablets.